Friday, July 13, 2012

Dear Dairy

Dear Dairy,

Such a long time I never enter here to update my daily activities, but this time I want to update about my recent life. I shall update more often to release my stress and share my happiness. As usual, human don't always being happy on their whole life, there is up and down all the times.

Just today, my boss told us informally that our team over-charge on the project because company don't receive that much from the customer. Then, my boss try asking me want to change to another team or not. My first reply was 'WHAT?? I would rather leave the company than joining that team'. I like the team managers there, but not the teammates there. Someone I really don't like to face off is there everyday. I guess this might be life, not everything smooth as we thought. I also continue thinking that I might need to back to office to work during 1st and 2nd day of CNY, then I was not happy at all. I dont understand why they put the logic "LOCAL can stay at office to work during CNY, but not the outstations". So, LOCAL not human? They do not have FAMILY members as outstations? RUBBISH talking ~~~ I really quite piss on this particular thing. So....I SHALL make a MOVE and CHANGE. Let's see when I will take the MOVE.

I think I practising a real bad attitude recently by talking bad behind people most of the times. Last time I talked to make fun and to laugh, but now everyday I seem to talking with my colleagues about the same person's funny moments/stuff. I think I shall change to be less talkative and concentrate more on my own life issue. Dont mistaken, of coz I am not the one who start talking about people, but my colleagues were all passing the stories around. Shall share the stories next time because it was classic story and you might not find it from anywhere.

Ok, shall share some happy things as well. I bought MACBook and Car. Now I will be a poor girl, every early of the month I had to pay car and laptop installment. Thanks to god that giving me lovely parent.

Shall continue next time about some trips I went this year :)

Sunday, March 11, 2012


I am still alive ;)
Such a long time I never update my blog n yet I lazy to on my laptop to update it.
Working days really hectic n I am so lazy to study for my exam. 😣
Anyway, I am so excited I am going to Singapore holiday next week and I shall start packing tonight