Saturday, July 22, 2006

start to write again

i so long dint enter write my blog alr..hahah..too lazy...:) i just got my result one by one start from last week. the most happy result was yesterday...hehe...i thought i will get quite low for my microeconmics paper..but when i saw my result , i was so happy..hehehe..i got credit (65-75%) this made me feeel so good... but still got many ppl fail..hahha...actually this paper really hard n we really couldnt understand the questions. but lucky i got credit..hehehe...damn happy..before that i received my BCS result and then marketing result...BCS is like english paper so i got not really good for that paper actually..hahaha..boz my english not really good.hehe..i am trying 2 improve alr but somehow sure got some grammer mistakes. ..i thk about languages i sure a bit weak one lo...such as my japanese test also...haiiiiiiiiiiiii....i got study but still fail that paper...lucky fail alr no need 2 retake beginner1..hahha.i only got 40.8%...the pass mark is 60% and above..i thk priscilla sure got 90% sth one lo...hahahha.but actually i dunkn her mark also...i thk they will send to her house... but we received in the begginer2 class..hahha..priscilla stopped alr..hahha she went to singapore study..hahha.but we still contact each other by using the 'skype' hahhaha.yesterday we talked until cant stop..until i late for my japanese class and no time to have my dinner...hahha..lucky i am not hungry after the class only i had my dinner..hahhaha...ok turn back to my result....i quite sad for my marketing result...even though i got credit but i thought i will get at least D lo...boz i kn how to do all the questions and i wrote until so long...n the last question i practise before stupid lo....stilll got so low mark...ppl who dint practise also got D lo....but nvm lah...overall for my exam ------average...not too bad and not too good...still waiting for another result ( that is accounting paper)...i hope this paper able to get higher grade lo..hehhe...coz i felt this paper easier than SAM's acccounting paper...hahahha...

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